This was the first Alice Neel show to take place in Germany. A catalogue with an essay by Elizabeth Peyton was published.
‘Alice Neel et le nouvel humanisme’ in Angela Lampe (ed.), Alice Neel. Un Regard engagé, Centre Pompidou, Paris 2020
‘The Other New York’, in Hilton Als, Alice Neel, Uptown, David Zwirner Books, New York and Victoria Miro, London, 2017
‘Alice Neel’ in Ann Hoste (ed.), These Strangers … Painting and People, SMAK Ghent, 2016
Alice Neel: Painter of Modern Life, Jeremy Lewison (ed), Ateneum, Helsinki, Mercatorfonds, Brussels and Yale University Press, New Haven.
‘Intimate Relations. The Drawings of Alice Neel’ in Alice Neel Intimate Relations. Drawings and Watercolours 1926-1982 Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Skarhamn 2013
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